Reward your food driven dog when you finish your competition round and with one of these brightly coloured personalised treat containers you’ll be able to quickly identify yours. You can customise 2 positions on the jar lid: The lid design can be indented (cut away) or embedded (*) with another color from jar lid. The screw top containers are made from PLA plastic (biodegradable) and are not dishwasher proof nor suitable to freeze. Sizes: * Please note that the embedded multi colour text/design will have a slight fuzziness in appearance as the 2 plastic colours melt into each other a little. Please take a close look at example product images.
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Dog Treat Jar
90 ml – diameter 6.0 cm, height 4.5 cm
125 ml – diameter 6.0 cm, height 6 cm
160 ml – diameter 8.0 cm, height 4.5 cm
225 ml – diameter 8.0 cm, height 6 cm
RosaCasa Lagotto Romagnolo
822 Chester Road
RD 1
Carterton 5791, NZ
© Rose Cottage Enterprises